Warm Weather Propane Safety Tips Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email In the spring and summer months, we focus attention to landscaping, grilling, and other outdoor activities. Staying aware of propane safety during this time keeps our time outside enjoyable and worry-free. Call Before You Dig Be aware of what is below the surface of your yard before you dig! 811 will not locate propane lines. Please call your local FS Propane Specialist at least 48 hours before you plan to dig to locate your propane line. Teach Family Members About Propane Do your children know what propane smells like? Do they know what to do if they smell it? Refer to What to Do If You Smell Gas in Your Home or Business and communicate a plan with your family members. Encourage kids not to play on propane tanks. Climbing and playing on top of a propane tank could look like fun, but can be dangerous. A pressure relief valve opens and releases high pressure gas, which could result in serious injury with someone near the top of the valve. Also, tampering with the gas line could result in a propane leak. Keep Open Flames Away From Propane Tanks Keep burn barrels, fire pits, and other open flames away from all propane containers. Combustibles should also stay a safe distance from the tank. Clear bushes and plants from around propane tanks. Do not hang hoses, rugs, horse saddles, etc. Do Not Build Enclosures Around the Tank Pressure relief valves require an open space to evacuate pressure safely. Propane regulators need open space to properly vent should there be a system failure. Do not plant flowers or shrubs in front of regulators on your home or building. Mow at a Safe Distance Mowing too close to a propane tank can knock a tank off the concrete blocks. Knocking a tank off its blocks may lead to gas line damage. Maintain a distance that prevents tires or other parts of mowers from coming in contact with a tank. Do Not Paint Tanks a Dark Color Tank color should reflect sunlight to prevent over pressurizing. A bright white tank with a light gray dome is the best look for a propane tank if we do say so ourselves! Make Sure Grill Cylinders Have New Style of Valve Grill cylinders should have the new style of Overfill Protection Device (OPD) in them. You can tell if it is an OPD valve by the shape of the handwheel. OPD valves will be a triangle shaped valve wheel. No Smoking Near Propane Tanks Do not smoke within a 25 foot radius of propane containers or regulators. When transporting propane cylinders in any type of vehicle, do not smoke! Secure Cylinders to Transport Transport propane cylinders safely in your vehicle by storing them securely and upright so they can’t fall, shift, or roll in transit. Use Only Approved Propane Cylinders Some propane containers on gas grills are designed for liquid withdrawal, while others are designed for vapor. It is important to make sure you are only using containers that are designed for your specific application needs. Failure to follow this guideline could result in property damage or injury. Anchor Your Tank Full propane tanks will float in areas prone to flooding. Anchoring down your tank prevents it from floating off. Contact Your FS Propane Specialist Any Time You Have a Change in Your Propane System A system safety check will need to be completed to ensure your system is free of leaks and safe for you and your family. If adding a new appliance, some new appliances could qualify for a Safe Propane Appliance Rebate through your State Propane Gas Association. Related Items Propane vs. Electricity: Comparing Energy Sources In recent years, there's been a noticeable push to promote electricity as the primary energy source. While rebates may make this seem appealing, the reality is rebates are available for propane appliances too. Read the full story Don't Let Fuel Filtration Cost You Harvest Hours You have 60 acres left to harvest, rain is rolling in, and just when you need it most your fuel filter plugs up. You can avoid this loss of time and frustration with a simple fix at your storage tank. Read the full story 10 Propane Safety Tips for Your Family During Thunderstorms Thunderstorms can pose a serious threat to people and property in all parts of the country. In the U.S., over 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year. Read the full story